From the children of the SABC

Dear Stepfathers of this "house":

This morning, someone pretended to be one of our "mothers", claiming we are a "family". We have no mother.

You have murdered our real mother and our real father when you came to rob our house, quite a few years ago. You claimed to have been sent by "government".

You have spent our murdered mother's last savings, and when that ran out, you went to borrow more, using our dead mother and father's credit cards.

You've enslaved us, forced us into sweatshop labour - to finance your Johnny Walker, Dom Perignon, your paid girlfriends, your 1st class seats to Beijing, Los Angeles, London and many other places we have never even known had existed.

For our slavery, you've repaid us - evil stepfathers - by murdering our loved brothers and sisters that dared question what you were doing.

Now that we've gone to the authorities, you are squeezing the last blood out of us to pay expensive lawyers to keep the child abuse case out of court.

As we speak, you keep filling our house with more friends and paid girlfriends. We have nowhere to sleep any more. We are now - together - asking for the LAST time:

Please leave. And take your friends and paid girlfriends with you.

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Are you willing to defend the organisational rights of the union?

Can Cde Rian expect a fair hearing from these SABC managers?

By refusing to see our value, the SABC negotiators are:

Who currently keeps the SABC on air?

SEF has convinced Jane Duncan (freedom of expression champion) to accept our nomination, only if it comes from us

The counter proposal is:

Should CWU/MWASA refer the "agreement" signed by "SMS ballot" to CCMA for adjudication?

The letter to SABC Board is hereby:

Who can save the SABC?

What is the main reason you will strike?

What should the Minister do to stop the strike?

Who should we negotiate with?

Important Vote - Build the SABC

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ALL COMRADES MUST PLEASE VOTE! - pass it on - Shop Steward Janine Murison has been denied an opportunity to present the truth in Labour Court. Please mandate the Way Forward:

Which of the following are most responsible for the financial freefall at the SABC?

For Waste, Secrecy, Arrogance, and (Allegations), we Demand the Suspension and Invesigation of:

What is the best type of increase for you?

Who should resign?

Should SABC EXCO refuse our demands, will you: