1st AGM of SABC Employees Forum Announced Soon

The Working Committee of the SABC Employees Forum will soon annouce the date and place for its 1st AGM.

For now, please comment below with nominations for Chair, Dep Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Free and Sustainable Broadcasting for All

To unify all persons who add value to broadcasting in a professional manner

Honesty * Professionalism * Freedom of Expression * Responsibility

IMPORTANT NOTE: This unity initiative in no way undermines any of the unions! SEF encourages all employees to join one of the unions at the SABC! We support a Closed Agency Agreement, where non union members should pay fees to the Bargaining Forum, to eliminate free rides.

Please do not resign any union membership in favour of SEF, a Professional Society for Public Broadcasters. We try not to "confuse" union leaders.

The largest union (CWU) actively seeks alliances with other unions. Together, we all care about the same thing: Proper recognition for valuable public broadcasting professionals.


  1. Anonymous23/7/09

    This is very exciting! Let us hope this does not become a vehicle for some power-hungry individuals (like some self appointed manager wannabes in the unions).

  2. Anonymous23/7/09

    Why Pretoria? Is it not too far? I don't understand why it is not near Auckland Park. However, I'll be there - I actually think the further away from this sick building the better. What about the Auditor General and KPMG people? Can we trust them? Please give guidance.

  3. Anonymous23/7/09

    There will be quite a few SABC people there already, at a Q+A session 14:00 - 16:00 with the previous Board Chair, to hear her opinion on "what went wrong".

    I will be there

  4. Anonymous23/7/09

    All 3 unions have endorsed the AG / KPMG team. I am sure the probe will be transparent.

  5. Anonymous23/7/09

    I will be there. I think this forum is an excellent idea

  6. We are expecting a few defensive comments from those who live off SABC union dues and whose every day and night is spent trying to undermine sterling efforts like these. Please spread the word - this site is very new, and not yet that well known... But watch this space...

  7. Anonymous2/9/09

    thank you Ben


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Are you willing to defend the organisational rights of the union?

Can Cde Rian expect a fair hearing from these SABC managers?

By refusing to see our value, the SABC negotiators are:

Who currently keeps the SABC on air?

SEF has convinced Jane Duncan (freedom of expression champion) to accept our nomination, only if it comes from us

The counter proposal is:

Should CWU/MWASA refer the "agreement" signed by "SMS ballot" to CCMA for adjudication?

The letter to SABC Board is hereby:

Who can save the SABC?

What is the main reason you will strike?

What should the Minister do to stop the strike?

Who should we negotiate with?

Important Vote - Build the SABC

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ALL COMRADES MUST PLEASE VOTE! - pass it on - Shop Steward Janine Murison has been denied an opportunity to present the truth in Labour Court. Please mandate the Way Forward:

Which of the following are most responsible for the financial freefall at the SABC?

For Waste, Secrecy, Arrogance, and (Allegations), we Demand the Suspension and Invesigation of:

What is the best type of increase for you?

Who should resign?

Should SABC EXCO refuse our demands, will you: